Wednesday, 9 November 2016


The BMG 

(Big Manaiakalani Giant)

Have you heard about the strange things happening down at Pt England School? Some people say it’s because they have Chromebooks but I’m not so sure that’s the only reason … 

This movie called the BMG, the Big Manaiakalani Giant, might give us some clues...


  1. i like your movie i liked the part when the big hand came

  2. nice one room 9 nice we get it

  3. Hi Mr Bax i like the way you have made this video. it kind of looks like a trailer. but i still like the flashback. i hope to see more videos like this from you and your class.


  4. Hey there room 9, I like your movie about the Big Manaiakalani Giant when he reached down with the giant hand. This movie shows how mysterious pt england could be. I liked when everybody ran out of class and you used the drone to record. That was very creative!

  5. Hi there room 9, I liked how you made your own remake of the BFG but instead the BMG. How did you record some footage high as? I have read the book BFG, I have also watched the movie I really loved it. But I really liked your guys movie keep up the good movie recording.

  6. kia ra room 9 i liked your movie because it was cool and exciting

  7. Hey guys your movie is really awesome and I really like you drawing .

  8. LOL did you guys just replace that name from the BFG the (big friendly giant) it also reminds me of that movie and maybe you could show the (arms) (head) (body

  9. Kia Ora Room 9, I loved your BMG (Big Manaikalani Giant!). Your movie was just like the BFG but x3 more AMAZING. I've also watched the movie it was amazing! It was really to see that you guys were using the drone to film some parts of the movie. Great job on Ayla for being the star of the movie. Was it diffcult getting the drone to work? Anyways Great movie. Keep Up the great work.


    1. Hi Amelia
      Thank you for leaving a good comment on our blog.We did use the drone to take some parts of the movie but Ayla is good on are movie.Thank you for leaving a good comment:)
      From Hazel

  10. Good movie I loved the a dyeing keep it up. πŸ‘

  11. Hi GREAT MOVIE ROOM 9! I really like your acting Ayla. Well Done room 9 I like your animations of the BMG. Awesome movie and room 9 you guys did well. How long did it take you to make Mr Baxendine?

  12. Hi Room 9, I loved your movie called the Big Manaiakalani Giant!. It was a lot of fun. It was as cool as Room 10 but there one was still cool. I really enjoyed your BMG movie. I wonder what was the hardest thing about your movie, Your friend. Hinerangi...

  13. Hey room nine your movie is amazing creative and that was very awesome well done good acting to everyone who was acting good job I can't wait in till the next manaikilani movie that you make.

  14. HI room 9 I LOVE!!! your move it looked realistic especially that part where they were traveling. Next time may be you could tell what happened to the girl.
    From Zaeeda

  15. Hi there It's me again I really loved your movie it was like as 10x as Room 10. Keep up the great work from Hinerangi in Room 10 Literacy. By for now. LOVE IT...

  16. Hi room 9, its really awesome you have created a interesting trailer of the BMG except for the BFG. I really enjoyed your BMG movie, keep up the hard work room 9.

    1. Hi Jorelle
      Thank you for commenting on our blog.
      We really enjoyed using the drone because it gave us good very cool footage for our film also Thank you for the amazing comment that you had sent to room 9.
      From Ayla

  17. Hi Room 9, I loved your BMG video I liked the part on the start where it says PT England Studios. If you have a chance please visit our Stonefields Schools site Hub 9 School Stereo Types.
    From Hub 9

  18. Hi room nine my name is Leah my friend Ayla is a really great a actor of the BMG.... REALLY LOVE IT FROM LEAH

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hi room 9, wow i never new you guys had so much skill in art. if the bmg existed i would try find him.

  21. good job you guys did great on the movie keep it up i liked the part when the bmg reached out to her.

  22. hi room 9 I really liked your guys movie .I really liked how ayla was acting I also liked Petesa voice over . Room 9 I really enjoyed your guys movie.

  23. Good Job But... BFG VS BMG

  24. Hey Room 9, I really enjoyed this video, It is so awesome how you can edit like that! Great Video i really enjoyed it!!
    By Tyran!

  25. Hi Room 9,
    I think your movie is so amazing! I love the way that you made it like a trailer and how you took the idea of the BFG and changed it to the BMG. I love how you basically said nearly the same thing as the movie BFG so it seemed more like the other movie. How did you record so high? I think tht was really effective. Maybe next time you could make the movie version of that trailer.
    From Rianna, Hub 9 Stonefields School.

  26. Hi I love your movie we have read the BFG to

  27. Hi room 9, I'm Shanya from stonefields school. I really like your drawings that you made for your movie. It was very creative, how you created a movie like the BFG, but instead it was about the manaiakalani. What would your rate your own movie?

  28. Hey Room 9,
    This such an amazing movie! I love how you created your own version of the BFG. Your illustrations are so well done and over all, this movie had kept me hooked in from the start. Great job and keep up the awesome work!

    - Sajiha, Panmure Bridge School.

  29. Hi Room 9,
    I really enjoyed watching your movie. I also really loved the detail in your movie and the black and white in the black and white in the background.

    Your sincerely, Seini

  30. Kia ora
    I like how you looked in different class and I like when the BFG came to
    get the girl and then all the people came out of the class and went looking for the
    girl. From panmure bridge school

    1. Talofa lava
      hi Charlize my name is Esther I go to Pt England school and I am 8 years old.I would like to thank you for a lovely comment. I hope you comment on other schools too.:)

  31. hi room 9,
    i really liked your bmg movie it was amazing the bmg almost looked real.

    how long did it take to make the movie?

    from Georgia stone fields school

  32. Hi room 9,
    I really enjoyed your trailer/video. I'm really fond of how It looked so real just like a movie trailer! I like how it's inspired by the BFG. How did you get the scenes from the top?

    kind Regards, Amber

  33. Hello room 9
    I am addicted to your movie BMG I cant stop watching
    From Joya

  34. Hi room 9 your movie is so so cool and it's magni

  35. Hi there room 9,
    I really enjoyed your film about the BMG, it had great camera shots and it was just like a trailer of it in your own version. Keep up the good work!
    Kind regards, Zahra

  36. Hi, my name is Xzavier
    I Liked your viedo because you made your video off the BFG and made it into the BMG. Great job

  37. Hey Room 9,

    I like your version of the BMG. You Guys did a great job filming that movie. Well done and keep up the wonderful hard work. By Revival in room 4

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I really enjoyed your movie Room 9 and Mr Baxendine. I have never seen the movie or read the story about the Big Friendly Giant. I also liked the drone shots and the background music. It was a clever way to show an interesting story.

  40. Hello Room 9,
    Great effort on making this movie about your very own BMG. There is a problem and the BMG goes hunting for it. Brilliant Room 9. SO RAD!!!
    From Ata

  41. KIA Ora room 9. I like how you made your movie look really realistic. my favourite part of the movie was when the BMD picked up the girl and took her to his castle. And I also like how room made their own version of BFG

  42. Hi room 9 I really liked your movie. It was cool how you used the drone to follow the kids. I also liked how you used the green screen room it was cool. Please visit my blog Thanks.

  43. Hey Room 9 that was a really amazing movie I really liked it very much I hope you guys can make more cool movies.

  44. Hello room 9 my name is Tidus I am a year 6 student at Pt England School. I really liked the animated Giant, it was really cool. Who drawed the Big Manaiakalani Giant?

  45. Kia Ora Room 9. What an amazing movie, I love the special effects, they were incredible. How did you get the shot of Ayla flying up in the trees on a giants hand? Mind = blown.

    1. hi Mr Goodwin I really liked your comment. from arthur from room 10.9

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you so so much Mr goodwin for blog commenting all of room 9 blog by have a good day

  46. Hi everyone nice movie great work .

  47. Hi room 9 I really like your movie because there wasn't just room 9 there was more class's. The best bit was when the BMG was out the window. How did you draw it?

  48. Hi Room 9 my name is Leiite and I love your move the bmg.

  49. Hi Rm.9
    I liked the music because it really scared me and I liked the handsome face of the giant.
    from, Marc,St.Pats.

  50. Hi Room 9,
    I really like this film. I like the part when the giant takes the girl to a golden palace.
    From Heneliena, St, Pats.

  51. i like how pt England school was just a bunch of kids that didn't learn anything but when AYLA saw this bmg then searched for him then he saw her. He grabbed her then took her to his school it was so fantastic to here that Pt England school kids turned into a school that started to do there work and not be tired keep it up...

    1. Hi Tupuia and thank you I really appreciate it you are a really talented person I hope you get to be in a good movie like ours I hope you enjoyed our movie from Jaylim

  52. Hi there Room 9. We're Qaiden, Jahrome, Falcon and Whaea Sally from Room 2 at Kawakawa primary school. We liked your graphics and the way you used greenscreen. We also liked your performance. We hope to see more movies from you. Great work! Keep it up!!!

  53. Hi room 9,I liked how you made your own version of The Big friendly giant/BFG but changed it to the BMG I also want to know how drew the BMG. Hope you do more mini movies like this on your blog.

    1. Hello Carter
      Thank you for leaving a comment on our blog. The best part for me in the movie was when the BMG came out the window.

      From Awathan

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Hi Room 9. You movie was absolutely amazing to watch on the big screen. I loved the use of the drone footage to capture the effect of a birds eye view from the perspective of a giant. Cool graphics and special effects. Well done :)

    Mrs Lagitupu

    1. Hi Mrs Lagitupu
      Thank you for leaving us a comment, we really appreciate it. We enjoyed filming with the drone because it gave us some very cool footage.

      From Room 9

    2. Hi Mrs Lagitupu
      Thank you for leaving us a comment we really appreciate it. We enjoyed filming with the drone.
      Form Lucy

  56. Hi room 9,

    I like how you remade the bfg to the bmg.

    one question who drew the bmg?

  57. The movid is to good 😊

    1. Hi Holly
      Thank you for commenting on our blog.I really like that how you comment because I think you are amazing at it.I hope you do some more commenting on other classes blog.By the way What is your favourite part?.
      From Christina

  58. Hi Room 9 my name is Reid. I like the way you made the movie it looks awesome. To have a next step to find a way to make the giant more realistic.

  59. Hi Holly thank you for leaving a comment on this blog post. the best part for me in the movie was when we used the drone for the filming.

    from Kennedy

  60. Hi Amazing room 9 this is Jonathon I have to say that was the best movie I've seen made by Mr Baxendine's class.And the special effects is really cool. Also visit my blog in the bottom of this comment

    By Jonathon

    Room 8

  61. Wow....... Hi room 9 I really like the way you used the drone as your Giant. By far I have to say that this is maybe the best Manaiakalani of 2016. Keep up the good work By Faioso

  62. Hi Room 9, Good job for displaying a good movie

  63. wow thats creepy why did you have the idea of BFG

  64. Hello Room 9 It Tehillah your movie is so amazing I like how you acted it it amazing and it look like you guy's had fun

  65. The time of year and it was so good πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ€—

  66. Hello Room 9 Jonathon here I had to tell you that was so cool Please Don't forget to watch my class blog movie (room 8) and don't forget to also leave a comment!!! Thanks


  67. The BMG wow what a name to make a movie i like the animation in the movie to Hope you had fun making it as much as we had watching it


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