Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Ant Boy

Pt England Studios Presents: 
Ant Boy
Starring Room 9 & 10

Please leave us a comment...


  1. Cool man. Is there really going to be ant boy

    1. Thanks for your comment. You will have to wait until summer 2016 to find out

      From Room 9 at Pt England School

    2. Hi room 9 i realy loved your movie that you made keep it up cause your doing a great job.

  2. Hi Room 9 this amazing movie was interesting. I like the part when Noah turned in to a ant.what was your favourite part

    1. Hi Angelica

      Thank you for that watching our movie. We were glad that you enjoyed it. My favourite part was when Noah turned into an ant man as well.

      Jasmyne and Room 9 & 10

  3. Hello Room 9 and 10. You movie made us think about how we should look after God's creations and be nice to the little creatures.We liked the part where the boy turns into an ant and can't wait to see what happens next. Thank -you for your lovely movie. From Room 18

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, the technical aspects of camera shots and angles created an expectation of foreboding doom for the lead character.Great storyboard features and dramatic use of music. Brilliant room 9 and Mr Baxendine.

  5. class 9 you are a good class room you helped. and your movie was cool as.

  6. I really like your video pt england it is really amazing

  7. I liked the camera effects and the camera shots and also I liked the emotions from the characters it was a awesome movie.

  8. I love the way how the camera moved around Ant boy.

  9. I really liked The movie because it was a Little similar to the real movie Ant man

    1. What I liked about the movie was when the Ant died

    2. What I liked about the movie was when the Ant died

    3. what I liked about the movie was simon and noah's acting

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I thought that was amazing, What Iiked about the movie was the camera shots, It was so amazing. I liked the acting plus it was really simmilar to the real movie Noah was very good even Simon at the end. LOVED IT SO MUCH!!!

  12. What I liked about the movie is the camera shots were very good.What i also liked was the beat and the sound effect. I felt fantastic when i saw the movie and it was very cool with lots of detail.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Your movie was the best movie ever.aaliah

  15. I loved the way Ant boy was filmed there were great camera angles and it was very dramatic and it had a lot of flow with the movie LOVED IT!.

  16. What I liked about the move was Noah turned into the Ant Man from killing the ants.

  17. Ant boy:
    Ant boy was a cool movie because I liked how Noah turned into an Ant.

  18. I like it when simon the looked around for Noah and he pulled a face.

  19. WoW! i loved the video that was awsome cant wait tool the real movie comes out.
    That was funny when the ants got crushed but then noah turned into one.
    that was weird. that was some great camera work and the song.


  20. Hi i loved you guys movie i liked the amount of emotion you put in the movie,
    i liked the camera shots.

  21. Hi room 9, what I liked about your movie is when the Ant died and when the movie started.

  22. Ant Man:
    What i liked about the Ant Man movie was the part when Noah tried the shoe’s that was for free.
    When he wore the shoe’s then he turned into Ant then Noah was Antboy.

  23. Ant Man
    I like the part when Noah turned into an ant man and Simon looked around for Noah he saw an ant and the shoes was next to Noah.

  24. What i liked about antboy because the frame was amazing and some day i want to be a antboy so nobody can see me and he was moving fast and Simon was shock that Naoh was gone and he was small and his skin was black and the other Ants died because one got squished from the
    door and the others got stand on and was there camera on Ant Boys back.

  25. Hi my name is Oalii. I liked your movie. I liked ant boy. It was so so amazing.

  26. ANT MAN:
    Waht i love about the movie is Noah and simon acting it was the most incredible movie I ever seen Before

  27. What I liked about that movie is that they showed confidence and I felt very excited about room 9s movie because it was so cool and also thank you to mr Baxendine and the people, that was so amazing.

  28. Cool movie Room 9. Imagine if there was really was an Ant Man who was 7 feet tall ?

  29. Nice movie room 10 and 9 it was really awesome. keep up the good work.!!

  30. great moive room 9 you done great job pt england

  31. Hello room 9 & 10.I love your movie Ant boy.It also showed me we should look after little creatures.Is there going to be a part 2? who thinks there is more?

  32. Hi room 9 & 10, I really like you movie because it teaches everyone that ants are just alive like human. It also reminds me of the ant man movie trailer. Do you wish to be an ant?

    From Valery

  33. Kia Ora Room 9 and 10, we loved your movie. Our favorite part was when the boy turned into a ant.

  34. Hello room 9 and 10 I enjoyed your short movie because it is telling us that ants can always have an special eye spying on you.Would you like to be an ant?

    From Curie

  35. Hi my class

    I like this movie because when Noah turned in to a ant it was my favorite part and it is also the best movie out of all of them.Nice acting Noah and Simon

    Jonathon Fifita

  36. Kia ora room 9,I liked your movie Ant Boy and I liked it when the ants came in the boy’s shoes and the boy became Ant boy.

  37. Hello room 9 and 10 I enjoyed your movie that you made I hope you do some more intersing movie ka pia korero

  38. Kia ora, room 9, I loved your Ant boy movie! My favourite part was when the boy turned into an ant. The boy in the video was also weird, because it was like he just turned into an ant boy straight away.

  39. Kia ora room 9, I liked your flim that you made and my favourite part was reading the sentences and the boy turning in to a ant.

  40. Hi Room 9. This was one of my favourite movies from the Film Festival. I loved the different shots and camera angles used. The music really made the movie sound really exciting. Great work!

  41. This ant boy movie was kind of sad because the boy kept on killing the ants(which is the environment).

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Kia ora Room 9, we liked the part when the boy changed into the ant. The spinning and the antennae in the final shot were very clever.We might think twice before stepping on ants.
    Great movie.

  44. Cool movie Room 9 I really liked how you turned Noah into an ant it looked so realistic. Thanks to your movie we know not to kill ants and to put ourselves into other peoples shoes.

  45. That was really cool you guys. Noah you are the man you are to simon. So how long did all of that take like the subtitles and the cuts. I hope that the next movie will be way better then this won.

  46. Hi room 9 i like how Noah turned into a and Ant it was so Epic.

  47. Nowa its Jane love your movie.

  48. Hi Pt England I love your movie because it was cool when turned into an ant
    Are you going to make an ant boy movie

  49. Malo lelei, Room 9 I love your movie it awsome and keep it up.

  50. Wow Room 9 this is such a cool movie. I really liked the camera shots and filming through the breeze. I would love to see your version of a Iron-boy trailer!

    1. Hi Mr Goodwin,
      I thank you for commenting on our class blog.I think our class will do it.

      Latu and Room 9

  51. Hi Room 9/10. I loved your movie Ant Boy. My favourite part of he movie is the camera shots. I like the film how you guys made this like a trailer. I thought it was a real trailer. Loving the acting.

  52. Great Movie Room 9
    I really liked your movie. It had really good filming, and I really look forward to see your class's movie next year !
    Keep Filming Great ! :)

  53. Hi Room 9/10. I loved your movie Ant Boy. My favourite part of he movie is the camera shots. I like the film how you guys made this like a trailer. I thought it was a real trailer. Loving the acting.

  54. Kia ora Room 9. What a awesome movie Room 9. I like noah because he was like in the movie antlife. keep it up room 9. By Nytram.

  55. Hello Class nine. I really like your movie you put so much effort in it. It looks really cool. It reminds me of when I tried someone elses shoes. Were the red shoes your shoes or was it the black Nike shoes?

    From Oh Hsen

  56. Hi PES =)

    I really enjoyed your movie, I really like the way the you used music to make the movie sound awesome it really look effective. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK PES
    God Bless.

  57. Sanujan Room 7 Panmure bridge school
    Wow this a very good movie keep up the magnificent work up.

  58. Talofa lava Room 9, this was a really cool movie that you have created. This is also very exciting. I like how you turned him into an ant boy. It was very cool. Does he turn back into a human after a while or does he just stay as a ant? Thankyou. Your movie was great! From Cooper

  59. Ki Ora Class 9 I like your movie very much because it was funny and well done. I especially liked when Noah turned into a ant. How did you get the camera angles when he was a ant?

  60. Hi room 9 I really like your movie especially when the ants were coming and the scene when the boy was walking to school mysteriously. I also liked it when he became the ant. How did you come up with your idea for the movie?

  61. Ki ora room 9 can you especially when the ant was coming to you is it want to let you a ant

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Hi room 9 I really liked your movie. The ants gave me goosebumps, but I enjoyed it. Your camera angles were perfect, looked like a real movie I was watching... Well done :)

    Saint Pius X Catholic School

    1. Hi Saint Pius X Catholic School.
      Thank you for watching our movie. We are very glad that you enjoyed it.
      Room 9 & 10

  64. Hi Room 9 really liked your movie. The camera angles were on point. I really like how he put the shoes on and he changed into an ant. Keep up the good work PES Room 9.

  65. Room 9 that was amazing! you's rock at this movie.You did very, very, and very cool things.

    By Christina

  66. Oh my god nes what happened but it was cool but it was scary from jazzele

  67. That. Was. AMAZING Room 9! How did you do the first-person cam on the ant? Very good manipulation of the music to fit the scenes and the trailer itself. Is there really going to be an ant boy in 2016? Very dramatic! Great job Room 9, I hope in 2016 you’ll make an even better movie!

  68. Hi Room 9 great movie I really liked the part when he turned into an ant it was so cool! Is there really going to be an ant boy movie?

  69. Hi Mr Baxendine I know I wasn't there to see this amazing movie you guys showed our school you all did a great job I really hope I get to see you soon

  70. I loved your movie because the acting was amazing. The best part for me was when Noah put on the free shoes he turned into a ant. Thanks for the awesome movie. I really liked it. From Ajani

  71. this movie is the best movie a a lot of comments nice movie and cool graphics

  72. this movie is the best movie a a lot of comments nice movie and cool graphics

  73. Room nine, you have made my day because I really want to watch the movie now! I hope you can do at least do a little movie about it. I have one question for you room nine... is Ant boy's Dad Ant man? I hope I get an answer and I hope you have more popular movies like this.

  74. Hi room nine I really liked your movie, the acting was great and the idea was awsome. Keep up the great work.

  75. Hello Room 9 and 10. You movie made us think about how we should look after God's creations and be nice to the little creatures.We liked the part where the boy turns into an ant and can't wait to see what happens next. Thank -you for your lovely movie. from angel

  76. kia ora room 9 and 10

    I really liked your movie how did you turn ant boy into a ant

  77. Hi mmy name is Tyreece from Ohaeawai primary school I love the evort you guys put in the film bye

  78. Hi room 9, We loved your movie because it was interesting when the boy turned into an ant. We agree that little creatures are important because they help plants to grow. We wonder how ant boy felt when he turned into an ant.

    Thank you for the movie.
    From Room 11 and 12.

  79. Hi room 9 I really like video the ant boy.At paroa school we have done a video too about our imagination. Here is the link to it.


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