This week we began our designing! After all our researching and brainstorming we started by trying to draw on paper what our designs might look like. For some of us we had to do a number of drawings until we were happy with our designs. We are very much looking forward to using TinkerCad later this week to take our 2D drawings and turn them into 3D digital models!
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Saturday, 21 November 2015
3D Printing Adventures Begin!
In class 9 we have started a very exciting project! Thanks to Rotary Pt England School has got it's very own 3D printer, a MakerBot Replicator 2. This week we started a design project where we will follow the design process to create our very own 3D printed product. While we began our design our teacher printed some cool things to get us inspired about what we could design ourselves. So far we have discussed a problem, completed a brainstorm and begun designing our product on paper. Our next step will be to use TinkerCad on our Chromebooks to make our designs digital and 3D.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Rocket Day
We were very lucky to have Rocket Aerospace Education come spend the day with us and teach us how to build rockets. Here are some highlights of our exciting day.
Friday, 6 November 2015
Egg Friends!
One morning our teacher said that we were going to get a new friend each. It turned out that our new friends were eggs! When then had an exciting egg race across the playground. Unfortunately some of our friends didn't survive.
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Monday, 19 October 2015
Atareita's Riverside Camp Highlight
Atareita @ Pt England School: Riverside Camp Highlight:
Once the 12:30 bell had rang, the super duper holidays had started. I was so excited. I dashed out the classroom door to see my parents. They were waiting for me in our Big Black Ford. I just couldn’t wait for a mysterious monday morning because on the first monday morning of the holidays I was going to go to a very awesome camp called Riverside Camp. It was going to be held at Willow Park, Eastern Beach.
I was going with 79 other riversiders from Pt England School. I decided to go so that I could have a bit of fun for the 1st week of the holidays. Did you also know that our school riverside camp has been going on for over 25 years now?
At about 10am we had arrived at Willow Park. Once everyone had got out of the buses we unloaded the them and took of our our luggage into the meeting room called The Rimu Room. Furthermore, then we had figured out our teams and the cabins that our team was going to sleep in. My Team slept in room 8. Moreover, we then got our beds ready and we were given a task by Mr Burt to come up with a group name and a group chant. After about 15mins my team came up with a group name and chant. Our name was the PUMBAS. Our group chant was: In the jungle the mighty jungle, the PUMBAS are here to stay. In the jungle the mighty jungle, the PUMBAS come to play and we’ll win all the games we play today X2.
For the teams there were 4 girls teams and 4 boys teams. The Boys names were: BWA, R4BZ, The Simbarians and TANZ. The Girls names were: The PUMBAS, COG, FLAVAS and MUFASA. There were a lot of different chants and names. In our teams we played games in our free time. The first thing that I did in my free time was that I went up to my cabin and got dressed for the beach. After 30mins later, Mr Burt blew the hooter for everyone to meet in the Rimu Room so that we could grab all of our stuff that we needed at the beach to keep warm and even to get a bit wet and sandy. Our activity was to make beach sculptures and we had our own team spaces to make our sculpture in. For 5mins we had time to figure out what we were going to make. Our team made a 3D tree called A Tree Of Life In 3D. So first we drew a border to make the tree. We shaped it, we dug it and then we filled it in. Once we had filled it up with sand, my whole team helped to put props on it. Like grass, sticks and more crazy stuff.
When it had been 1hr, everyone gathered around other teams sculptures and Mrs Burt and Mrs Hamilton was judging them. 4 Teams even made heaps of different things. I can’t even remember most of them. It was too awesome. After we looked at everyone’s sculptures, Mrs Burt the winner in mind. Guess who won? THE PUMBAS! My team jumped up in the air and shouted. YAY! We were all so happy that we even ran and slid on the sand crazily. It was an awesome day for us.
I had so much fun at Riverside Camp. Maybe next time I will tell you more. Sometime soon. I bet if you were there you would have more fun than I did. I didn't even have a favourite part. I wish I never had to leave.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Term 4: Survivors
This term we are going to be learning all about adaptations. Would a Camel survive in the Arctic? Would a Polar Bear survive in the desert?
Friday, 18 September 2015
Paige's Cindy in da house!!!
Paige @ Pt England School: Cindy in da house!!!:
Cindy in da house
On the last day of school we got to watch cindy in da house production. Cindy in da house is where people sign up and act in front of everyone. To see the show it costed $5 for each person. But on the last day of school the whole pt england kids and students got to watch it for free. Cindy in da house production is so fun. You get to do acting, singing and dancing.
The teachers got us to sit down and then they put us in rows. The hall was full of teachers, kids and students. Their was to much talking until the lights turned off people were quiet and then the show began. Then a senior came on her name was cindy. She snuck out of the house and went to a marvellous ball. But the thing was her step sisters were there and she didn’t have a dress to wear she was in tears. But a fairy godmother came and gave her a beautiful dress.
So cindy took off and went to the ball. Her step sisters didn’t notice cindy because she looked so beautiful. The prince came and asked her for a dance so she said “yes”. They were dancing delightful until it hit midnight. She left her glass shoe on the step and ran quickly back home. The prince who was dancing with her ran to the glass shoe she left behind and went to search for her immediately. The prince knew that cindy was the love of her life.
The prince didn’t know where she lived so he went to every, house and took the glass shoe with him to see if he could find his girl. He searched and searched but he had no luck. Until he went to cindy's house and asked cindy's mum “umm excuse me do you have the matching shoe just like this”. Cindy’s mum knew she saw it somewhere. So she asked cindy and said “Cindy do you remember the time I gave you shoes just like these”. Cindy said “What do you mean are you talking about this one”. Oh I forget the prince name was josh.
So josh said to his friends “shes the one”. The school started laughing. But it carried on so cindy and josh Fell in love with each other the same way cindy fell in love with josh. And then they lived happily ever after. The lights turned back on and the show was over. I wished we saw more but that was it. Then the actors, singers and dancers came on again and took a bow. The school was noisy again and I was tired so we stood up lined up and headed back to class.
The End
Friday, 11 September 2015
Paige's Writing: The Bull Chase
Paige @ Pt England School: The Bull Chase:
One day a man was walking around town, When he was walking he saw a wild bull surrounded by a strong fence. The lock broke and the bull ran towards the man, He was terrified, the bull was about to attack him so he was trying to escape but there was no place to run, so the bull ran and there was dust and the man couldn’t see the bull bursted in the air and the man sprinted in the water swimming as fast as he could. The bull couldn’t swim that fast so the bull went back on land and the man ran off shocked.
Friday, 4 September 2015
Mitchel'sl Smart Emails
Mitchell @ Pt England School: Mitchell Smart Emails
We have been learning about writing smart emails.
We have been learning about writing smart emails.
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Biosecurity Brainstorms
This week in our reading we have learning about Biosecurity and it's impact on NZ and our economy. These are the Lucidchart brainstorms we made after reading all about Biosecurity.
Check out our individual blogs.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Paige's job application
Paige @ Pt England School: The job I want to apply for:

Hi my name is Paige and this is a job I really want to apply for. Team 4 has this website where you can apply for this job. So today Mr Baxendines literacy class has given a chance to do this.
Hi my name is Paige and this is a job I really want to apply for. Team 4 has this website where you can apply for this job. So today Mr Baxendines literacy class has given a chance to do this.
Saturday, 15 August 2015
Teija's Curriculum Vitae
Teija @ Pt England School: Curriculum Vitae:

Hi this is my CV from me wanting to be a fruit monitor.
Hi this is my CV from me wanting to be a fruit monitor.
Friday, 14 August 2015
Latu's Job Application
Latu @ Pt England School: My Job Application:
Hi My name is Latu. Team we are learning about Money.
And there are jobs.The job I want to do is Bank Teller.
So I hope you like this about jobs.
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Friday, 7 August 2015
Anna's Biodiversity movie
Anna @ Pt England School: My Biodiversity movie:
Hi, This is my biodiversity movie, Biodiversity means the variety of animals and plants and it short for biological diversity, Hope you enjoyed my movie and please leave a comment on my blog.
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Paige's writing: What I did in the school holidays.
Paige @ Pt England School: What I did in the school holidays.:
Write all the adjectives you have to use here:
- Greedy
- Selfish
- Joyful
- Tiny
- Green
On friday it was a lovely sunny day so me and my family decided we should go to Uptown Bounce. We went to Uptown Bounce to have loads of fun.
It took us long to get to Uptown Bounce until we were finally their. After we got to Uptown Bounce we paid to get in, When we paid to get in I zoomed straight to the trampolines and waited until it was my turn to bounce. It took forever, but when I heard the people who worked there they said “everybody off”, so thats when I knew it was finally my turn.
There was heaps of people their so I went to go bounce on the trampoline but when I was going to bounce, this man told us some rules before we were going to bounce. It was a tiny small place, but breathtaking at the same time because it was so cool. I ran to the trampolines and started bouncing and jumping. My parents were watching me, I was in loads of excitement.
I thought it was time to go but we had 1 hour to play, I was having the best day of my life. 1 hour was up so I jumped the way out and went back home. At the end of the day we went to get Ice cream, The Ice Cream I got was Rocky Road, My cousins were with me but I was being greedy with the Ice cream
It was a stunning day of my life. My favourite part was when I got to bounce it was outstanding. I hope we go to Uptown Bounce next time.
Monday, 3 August 2015
Simon's holiday writing
Simon @ Pt England School: My holiday:
In my amazing holiday I went to rainbows end. On Saturday me and my brother went for a sleepover at my Nana's house. When we got there my cousin was playing on his x box. We told him if we could play because me and Michel had 2 controllers. we played game. After that we went to bed. In the morning we had a look out side It was sunny. We jumped around and got ready for rainbows end.
We went and had our breakfast It was nice. I was really tired so my aunty told me to go into the bathroom and splash water on your face. So I did I woke up and I brushed my teeth. we went outside and had a talk about what we were going to go on first. when we got there the entry was green and other colours to. We put on our bands and went on the pirate ship.
The pirate ship was cool it gave me and all the other people adrenaline rush. When I got of I felt like I was tiny. We were waiting for our next ride It was the roller-coaster there were 2 people in the line my aunty said get ready so we got ready. Me and my cousin went on the front cart my cousin was scared so as me. The ride started and we took a sharp turn it hurt a little. It took awhile to get to the top. Finally we got to the top and dropped I was screaming loud so as the other people. There was a big loop coming up I did not feel it. We took a corner and went over 2 other loops so we got ready. It pushed me to my cousin's side twice It was scary. Finally it stopped.
I got of and I was surprised. After we went on the invader the line was so short. The lady told us the rules before we went on the ride. When we got on I sat on the back chair with my aunty my brother and my cousin. The ride started and it went slow but the speed was picking up. It throw us around every. We went to the top it was so scary my face was facing the top. it spun me around everywhere. The ride stopped and we got off we went on the gold rush we went past a lot of rides. We lined up in the line the line was short so we got on first. My cousin and my brother went first me and my aunty went last.
When we got on the bars came down for us to hold on. The ride started and we shot off. We were going so fast I almost cried. The ride stopped and we went up boster thing and we went so fast it was so scary. We went down a big hill and it gave me adrenaline rush. The ride stopped and we got of the ride.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Anna's holiday word cloud
Anna @ Pt England School: Holiday word cloud:
In the holidays I watched lots of movies on the TV I ate some food it was delicious I went to my cousins because my cousin and this boy went to a ball and dance all night we also went shopping and going to my brothers rugby game.
Friday, 17 July 2015
Ioane's Super Game
Ioane @ Pt England School: Super Game:
Do you want to play a new game? It will help you to not get bored at wet lunchtimes because there are mythical creatures waiting to meet you.
You will meet Robot Man. He lives in the forest. He has super blasters that help to destroy the evil dragons. His mission is to keep the animals safe.
Near the end he faces the king of dragons.
To defeat the king you will use the super blaster and shot him on the tail.
You fire the blaster by using the x key.
This is a game for 8yrs to 15yrs. Hope you enjoy!
Friday, 10 July 2015
Latu's Game Animation
Latu @ Pt England School: Latu's Game Animation:
This is my game I have made for our theme for this team.Our theme for this year is thinking tools and toys.
Are you tired of playing hand games on a wet lunchtime? Well I made an animation called The rings of fire that you could play instead.Come and play it and it will be fun,
My Character is called Flame Boy and he is trying to save the world from the evil man named Arrow Man! Please help Flame boy save the world and it will blow your mind.
To begin now you have to use the arrow keys. But make sure you use all the arrow keys. The keys are Left, Right, Up and Down.
You gain points and win the game when you kill Arrow man. But when Arrow man get’s his arrow from the back of his black shirt then he will aim for you. If he hits you you will lose a life.
To not get shot from Arrow man you have to throw your fireballs. I will tell you how to throw it. The letter you have to hit is Z to throw.
That’s the end of my game. I hope you really want to play me amazing game.
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Te Aumihi's Game Animation
Te Aumihi (T.A) @ Pt England School: Game Animation:
Hi my name is TA. This is my game. I know you will not get bored if it is a wet lunchtime i have a game for you my game is about a character called fire girl.
She can kill anybody that tries to kill her.She got power from this bad boy it like an alien. He killed her mum and dad. She got really angry one day and something happened to her and she had fire in her hands.
In the game she gets trapped underground and is trying to get out. She has fire powers, speed and stargo. Her mission is to get revenge on the bad guy.
Her challenge is to get to the end of the game. If you kill the bad guys you get 1 life but if they kill you you lose a life and they get your life. You have to try to get their lives.
If you push up you jump, down you duck and sideways you will move. To hit the bad guy you push k.
Thank for watching hope I you watch my game. Please leave a comment.
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Our Animations in 3D
This term we have been creating animations of side scrolling games that we have each designed. We then created a movie using our animations and our awesome acting skills.
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Ben's Basket Boat and Jet Boat for sale
Ben @ Pt England School: basket boat and jet boat things:
learning about basket boat and jet boats a basket boat float and helps people catch lots fish
Simon's Giant fell of a bean stalk.
Simon @ Pt England School: Giant fell of a bean stalk
Giant fell of a bean stalk.
Tuesday 26 may
There was a boy called jack he was poor so his mum sent him out to sell their cow at 1:00 on Sunday. A person came and said that cow looks nice I will by it but I have no money. But he said “I have these beans do you want them” Jack said” no” but he said “they are special beans” jack said I will take it.
When Jack got home his mum was angry so she threw the beans out the window. The next day Jack went outside he saw a beanstalk it was big.!! He wondered what was at the top so he started to climb. While he was climbing some vines feel so he was lucky. Finally Jack got to the top he had a look around he saw gold and a duck that laid golden eggs.
He took the duck and the gold and he looked around for some other stuff. He walked through a door he looked at the ground and there was a giant sleeping he ran away and the giant woke up The giant said “you come here” but Jack kept running he went down the beanstalk but the giant fell and made a whole in the ground. But Jack had gold and a gold duck so they are not poor any more.
Friday, 12 June 2015
Paige's Create and Solve a Problem
Paige @ Pt England School: Create and Solve a Problem:
We have been working with Mrs Jacobsen and have been learning fractions.
We have been working with Mrs Jacobsen and have been learning fractions.
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Saturday, 30 May 2015
MakeyMakey Game Controller Designing
Friday, 29 May 2015
Our class made it on to TV.
Check out this Raising Children episode to see our awesome class and school.
Watch Raising Children - Sunday 3 May - TVNZ OnDemand
Watch Raising Children - Sunday 3 May - TVNZ OnDemand
Thursday, 14 May 2015
News Reports - Nepal Earthquake
This week we having been reading about the Nepal Earthquake. We then have been learning how to write a news report with a focus on writing facts rather than opinions. To begin we created a Lino pin board of all the facts about the earthquake with the link to where we found the information. This was to help us understand that to find accurate facts we need to use more than one resource.
Atareita's Field of Remebrance
Atareita @ Pt England School: Field of Remebrance:
This is a presentation about our own Field of Remembrance. We hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave a comment our blogs.
This is a presentation about our own Field of Remembrance. We hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave a comment our blogs.
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Manuwai's Holiday Writing
Manuwai @ Pt England School: Holiday Writing:
Last cold Monday I went to a camping site with my dad and my siblings in Coromandel.
How we got to the camping site was on my dads caravan. It is pretty big. After a big ride in our caravan we stopped at the shop to get some food for us to eat. What we had to eat was a delicious cheese and steak pie with a lovely refreshing drink called Aloe.
After we went to the shop we started to head to our campsite. Once we got to the campsite we started to set up our beds, food , campfire and we also got ready to take our dogs for a walk. When we were ready to take our dogs for a walk we got on our bikes and we raced down a pathway to the lake.I was the last one but i didn't care because I was with my dad.When we got to the lake we started to go for a walk because we were tied and we didn’t want to rush the dogs because they were having a drink. Also when we had a little bit of time me and my siblings went for a swim for about half an hour it was cold.When it was time to go I said goodbye to the little fish.
After I said goodbye to the fish we started to head back to our caravan.
When we got back to our caravan we started to gather up some stones and some twigs for our campfire. I didn't get any stones or twigs because I was in the caravan making the smores and marshmallows with ice-cream and chocolate sauce for dinner.When my dad came back with my siblings he told me “Make sure you set out the table and the cutlery please.”And I said “ok dad.”A few minutes later i finished setting the table out and the cutlery. When i finished setting out the table and the cutlery i went back into the caravan and i played with my dogs. Fluffy, Zebra, Malcolm and velvet. When it turned night time me and my siblings went to go get the twigs from the back of the caravan.
Our dessert was ice-cream and chocolate sauce. After we had dessert we went into our caravan and went into beds. In the morning me and my dad took my dogs for a walk while my siblings packed up. When we got back from our walk we were going to have breakfast. What we had for breakfast was Weet-bix with a cold milo. It was pretty nice.
After we had breakfast we had to go back to our house. I was really sad that we had to go but i told my dad if we could come back here again.
I loved camping with my dad and my siblings. I hope we can go back there very soon.Monday, 27 April 2015
Term 2 - Tinkering, tools and toys
This term Pt England's inquiry topic is Tinkering, Tools and Toys. It is all about Technology and the design process. In Team 4 we are creating animations of our own video games. This video is what the Team 4 teachers put together to introduce our topic.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Monday, 30 March 2015
Mitchell's Best Birthday ever writing
Mitchell @ Pt England School: Mitchell Best Birthday ever:

That was one of my best birthdays ever in my whole entire life. Thanks for reading my story about one of the best birthdays ever. The End. By Mitchell
My Best Birthday Ever!
One of my best birthdays was when i turned 9 years old. I went to Rainbows End with my whole family and i went with Simon too. First we went on the Pirate ship. We had to hold on to these bars and then the lady started the ride. We went up and down. I had butterflies.
The next ride was Invader. It was fun. I kept on turning around in my chair. It was kind of scary. It hurt my back because there were no seat belts. I went up in the air it was so cool. Then i went on the Gold Rush. The Gold rush was a very long line to wait. Finally me and Simon got to the front of the line.
It was so fast it was so scary. We were screaming and everyone could hear us. Finally we were at the end. We ran straight away to the Log Flume. The Log flume was so fun. It was a rainy day. We got wet all over our clothes. We couldn’t wait until we got under shelter. But the most scary part was at the end of the ride.
We were freaking out and went straight down the waterfall and got wet everywhere.
We went to go look at our photos they took while we went down the waterfall. We looked closely at our faces. We looked like we were going to fall off. It was so fun.
After that we were so tired. Our clothes were getting dry. We went on the bumper cars.
The Bumper cars were hard for me to drive.
I wanted to get out of the bumper car straight away. I kept on bumping into other cars and was going the wrong way. I wanted to go the dinosaur ride straight away. It was a short line so we were just waiting for a short time. Then we got to go on the ride. We put on 3D glasses and our chairs we were sitting on were moving.
It was so fun. Then we went to Kidz kingdom. There were rides for little kids there. Then it was getting dark and we left. That day was really fun. When it was night time we went to a restaurant in mission bay. The food was so yummy. We had traffic light drinks. They were so cool. Then we went to go get frozen yogurt.
I had vanilla flavour with peanuts caramel sauce and some lollies. It was so fun and then we dropped Simon off home. I went home and was so tired. I had some leftover cake from the fridge. Then i went to the lounge with my family and watched a movie. It was Cats and Dogs.
My mum gave me my present and it was a Samsung Tablet. I downloaded lots of games on my tablet. It was her old phone but she brought a new phone and she gave her Tablet to me. I was so happy. I was so tired after that i fell asleep at 10:30.
That was one of my best birthdays ever in my whole entire life. Thanks for reading my story about one of the best birthdays ever. The End. By Mitchell
Ajani's year 5 and 6 camp recount writing
Ajani @ Pt England School: Ajani's year 5 and 6 camp recount:
So we furiously crawled all under the blue tunnel and threw the tennis balls. We had to throw the balls to the mat if you get it on the mat you get two points. Furthermore we ran to the flag and screamed our chant. But the other team was still crawling under the blue. So we walked to the big tent.I had a little sleep and then we found out who we were sleeping with I was sleeping with Kyron our tent was so messy that one night I was wearing his clothes.
One morning I woke up and I realised. That day was the first day of…… CAMP!!!! I got changed into mufty for camp. The whole year fives and sixes camped on the Pt England’s field. As I woke up I ran to my mum and yelled “TODAY IS CAMP!!!.” Mum said “ are you going to miss your sisters?” I had a little think and said “ Yup the most thing that I will miss is their massages” mum laughed. We had the ultimate Breakfast. We had scrambled eggs, toast, Baked beans and Spaghetti. I went to camp to get out of my of my house.
After that we drove to school and I heard the first bell I ran to the hall. Mr Burt had a Korero with us. After that we officially started the year fives and sixes camp. We walked down to the field and started to begin the activities of camp. My group was called the True Crew. Our first activity was Killer Zone. First True Crew sprinted all over the field rolled the board one by one and before we knew it we were finished.
So we furiously crawled all under the blue tunnel and threw the tennis balls. We had to throw the balls to the mat if you get it on the mat you get two points. Furthermore we ran to the flag and screamed our chant. But the other team was still crawling under the blue. So we walked to the big tent.I had a little sleep and then we found out who we were sleeping with I was sleeping with Kyron our tent was so messy that one night I was wearing his clothes.
Russel's Camp Word Cloud
Russel @ Pt England School: at camp by Russell:
At camp it was cool because we get to do activates they were kyaking and cooking and watching movies and it was cold
At camp it was cool because we get to do activates they were kyaking and cooking and watching movies and it was cold
Pt England School,
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Lenard's Year 5 & 6 Camp writing
LJ @ Pt England School: lenard yr 5 & 6 camp:
My favourite part of camp was sleeping in the tent. My buddy was Jonathan fifita he was the best buddy! and I am wondering that who is my buddy next year! And also I am wondering what tent I will be in?
The same colour or different! I enjoyed seeing who is in my group. And I no that we are not having camp at school. We are going some were else.
Between Wednesday and Friday it was yr 5 & 6 camp. We were sleeping in a tent at Pt England School. We got to do activities they really fun. They were kayaking, cooking, top town, the amazing race and roller blading.
My favorite activity was the amazing race and kayaking. they were the best games that I liked. Also I like cooking we made pancakes with cron in it. It was so fun and I wonder if it will be the same.On Thursday we had the yr 5 and yr 6 teams performing. My team was Matapono e.
I thought that my team was the best! We were dancing to uptown funk. Miss Lavakula’s team was good and great, they won the dance competition. And there song was that they were dance kung fu fighting. I don't no if it was cool? and there dance?
I thought that my team was the best! We were dancing to uptown funk. Miss Lavakula’s team was good and great, they won the dance competition. And there song was that they were dance kung fu fighting. I don't no if it was cool? and there dance?
On Friday the yr 5 and 6 even the teacher went to mangere pools. Once we were inside the pools it looked so fun. But the first thing that we had to do. was to sit down in our team. I wish that all of as could stay. Un tell we all want to go home.
My favourite part of camp was sleeping in the tent. My buddy was Jonathan fifita he was the best buddy! and I am wondering that who is my buddy next year! And also I am wondering what tent I will be in?
The same colour or different! I enjoyed seeing who is in my group. And I no that we are not having camp at school. We are going some were else.
Pt England School,
Friday, 20 March 2015
Mitchell's use your W.I.T.S writing
Mitchell @ Pt England School: Mitchell Use your W.I.T.S:
The last letter is s. S means seek help. you could seek help if someone really hurts your feelings and you can’t be mean back to them just tell a duty teacher and they would talk to the person that was being mean to you and either put them in detention or either let them say sorry.
I am going to explain to you what using your W.I.T.S means.
The W means walk away. If someone says bad words to you or pushes or punches you you could either just walk away or tell a teacher. Dont punch them back in the face or say mean words just walk away from them because they are being mean to you. You could get in trouble too.
The I means ignore it. Ignore someone if they are bullying you. Like if you were on the park just playing on the monkey bars and someone said the f word or another bad word to you just ignore them or tell a teacher. Dont be mean to them or else you might get in trouble too.
The next letter is T. The t means talk about it. You can talk to the teacher about it if someone is being mean to you. Like if you are going to play with your friends and its someone elses friend to and he just kicks you for playing with his friends. They would have to say sorry to you or go to detention.

This is what W.I.T.S stand for Walk away, Ignore them,talk about it and seek help. By Mitchell
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